Group Administration

Group Administration

The Group Management function allows a Admin to give roles and Data Model permissions to a group of users at once rather than individually granting permissions and roles.

How Groups work:

  • A User can be part of a Group. If the Group has a given Role, the User will be able to use the application as if he/she had that Role.
  • For example, user "James" is part of group "Administrators". The group "Administrators" has role "ROLE_SUPERVISOR". Therefore "James" will be able to do anything that he could do if he had been directly granted the role "ROLE_SUPERVISOR".

Step-by-Step Guide

Click on the "Group Management" link:

This takes you to a table showing for each group: its roles, its data model permissions, and the users in the group. In this example there are currently no groups.

Adding/Deleting groups:


Type in the name of the group and click Add Group. The group should appear. You can also delete it with the Delete Group button.

Adding/Removing Users to/from Groups.

From the dropdown list, select the user you want to add and click Add. The user will be added to the group.

You can click the Remove button to remove the user from the group.

Adding/Removing Data Model Permissions to/from Groups.

Select a data model and the permission you want to grant to the group. Click Add and the permission is added.

You can click "Remove" to revoke the permission.

At this point the user "jamesGroup", is in Group A, which has a READ permission for the Cancer Model. So logging in as "jamesGroup", one can see the Cancer Model at the Dashboard:

However, the user "jamesGroup" cannot edit the model as they only have READ permission.

Adding/Removing Roles to/from Groups.

Select a role and click "Add". The role is added to the group.

You can also click "Remove" to remove the role.

Since the user "jamesGroup" is in a group which has the "SUPERVISOR" role, he can now see the full administration menu: