Create a Data Class

Create a Data Class

A DataClass is abstraction of a group of DataElements, this means it is in effect a “template” for a table in a database, or perhaps a tab in spreadsheet.

In the MDX it is simply a collection of DataElements, but it can be hierarchical. This means it can have a parent and many children.

To create a DataClass manually one can do the following:

  • Choose the DataModel from the “advanced-view” dashboard

    Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 18.42.32.png
  • Select “new data class” from the drop down menu.

  • Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 18.43.35.png

    Go into the “Wizard” and add in the details, initially the name and description, then any metadata, parents or children and/or any Data Elements.

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You can then run through and build up a hierarchy, adding in Data Elements and other catalogues elements as required. See:

At the end of this process you should have the DataClass appearing in the left-hand side tree-view:


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As can be seen we can represent the concept of Accommodation in different ways, by having a hierarchy of DataClasses (or tables), or by having a number of DataElements on each DataClass. Each DataElement then has an enumerated DataType, which lists the options that that data elements can take.

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