Creating and Managing User Groups

Creating and Managing User Groups

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on creating and managing user groups.

Tip: Please note that only users with the Admin role are able to create and manage user groups.

1. While logged in to the onboarder, click on the Admin menu button. Please note this will only be visible if you have the correct user role.

2. Next, select Security Portal from the dropdown menu.

3. Click on User Group Management.

4. From this page you can create and manage user groups in your instance of the onboarder.

5. Enter the name of your new user group and click on Add Group.

6. Now that you have created a new user group, click on Manage Roles.

7. On this page you can select the required role for the user group by checking the role checkbox.

8. To return to the previous page, click on User Group Management.

9. Next, click on Manage Data Model Permissions.

10. On this page you can view a list of all data models in the Onboarder and whether the user group grants its members Read or Administration permission for each data model.

  • Read: a user can view the data model but cannot make changes to it.

  • Administration: a user can view AND make changes to a data model.

Tip: Note: each version of a data model is included as a separate entry. While this allows you to limit the access of users to a specific version of a data model, please ensure you have selected the correct version(s) of a dataset when giving out access permission.

11. To add or remove data model permissions, simply check or uncheck the checkbox next to a data model. You can also search for a specific dataset using the search bar.

12. When you have finished managing the data model permissions, click on User Group Management to return to the previous page.

13. Next click on Manage Users,

14. On this page you can view the members of your user group. Check or uncheck the checkbox next to a user to add or remove them from the user group. You can also directly search for a user in the search bar.

15. When you have finished managing the users, click on User Group Management to return to the previous page.

Creating and Managing User Groups - Step 15.png

Publication Notification

16. Next, you can select whether or not users in your group should receive an email notification when a data model is published. Check or uncheck the checkbox in the Send Notification column according to your preference.

17. To edit the template for the email notification, click on the 📝 button.

18. Here you can edit the HTML code for the email template. When your changes are complete, click on Update Template.

19. Finally, if you need to delete your user group simply click on Delete Group and confirm you wish to delete the group in the pop-up window.




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