Temporal Resolution
Temporal Resolution
Completion Guidance
Section: Coverage
Completion: Mandatory
Minimum number of entries allowed: 1
Maximum number of entries allowed: 1
Minimum time period resolvable in the dataset distribution.
Please select from the following:
STATIC | Static dataset |
ANNUAL | Annual interval |
BIANNUAL | Biannual interval |
QUARTERLY | Quarterly interval |
SEASONALLY | By climatological season (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON) |
BIMONTHLY | Bimonthly interval |
MONTHLY | Monthly interval |
BIWEEKLY | Biweekly interval |
WEEKLY | Weekly interval |
SEMIWEEKLY | Semiweekly interval |
DAILY | Dailty interval |
6HOURLY | Interval of 6 hours |
HOURLY | Hourly interval |
OTHER | Dataset resolution using other interval |
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, multiple selections available,