

The Adult Social Care Record (MODS) is designed to establish a suite of interoperable components that, when combined, create a comprehensive digital record for adult social care. These components, or "building blocks," are versatile and can be assembled into specific configurations or included within particular forms, yet they are all unified under an extensive conceptual framework. For instance, an identified need—a fundamental element of the digital social care record—is always connected to an individual. This need might be recognised during various interactions, such as in the process of assessment, within care planning, or through the actual delivery of care services.


Latest Version:

Version 0.2.0 marks the latest iteration of the Adult Social Care Record (MODS) beta. This iteration is the culmination of an initial discovery phase and the creation of an alpha version of MODS. The ongoing beta phase, along with the forthcoming stages of development, are dedicated to refining the functionality of MODS to ensure optimal performance. The development team is actively engaged in soliciting and incorporating user feedback, with the goal of continuously enhancing MODS in alignment with the insights gained from practical use and research.


Our Approach



Related Standards and Programmes of Work:



“ISO 13606 is a standard from the International Standardization Organization (ISO), originally designed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

The overall objective of the ISO 13606 standard is to define a rigorous and stable information architecture for communicating part or all of the electronic health record (EHR) of a single subject of care (patient) between EHR systems, or between EHR systems and a centralized EHR data repository. It may also be used for EHR communication between an EHR system and clinical applications or middleware components (such as decision support components) that need to access EHR data, or as the representation of EHR data within a distributed (federated) record system.”


Classes of information about the person within the MODS will fall into one of the following categories:

  • EHR_EXTRACT: The top-level container of part or all of the health and adult social care record of a single subject of care, for communication between an EHR Provider system and an EHR Recipient.


  • FOLDER: The high level organisation within a health and adult social care record, dividing it into compartments relating to care provided for a single condition, by a clinical team or institution, or over a fixed time period such as an episode of care. Examples of FOLDER are Diabetes care, Schizophrenia, Cholecystectomy, Paediatrics, St Mungo’s Hospital, GP Folder, Episodes 2000-2001, Italy.


  • COMPOSITION: The set of information committed to one health and adult social care record as a result of a clinical encounter or a record documentation session. Examples of COMPOSITION are Progress note, Laboratory test result form, Radiology report, Referral letter, Clinic visit, Clinic letter, Discharge summary, Functional health assessment, Diabetes review.


  • SECTION: EHR data within a COMPOSITION that belongs under one care heading, usually reflecting the flow of information gathering during a care encounter, or structured for the benefit of future human readership. Examples of SECTION are Reason for encounter, Past history, Family History, Allergy information, Subjective symptoms, Objective findings, Analysis, Plan, Treatment, Diet, Posture, Abdominal examination, Retinal examination.


  • ENTRY: The information recorded in a health and adult social care record as a result of one clinical action, one observation, one clinical interpretation, or an intention. This is also known as a clinical statement. Examples of ENTRY are a symptom, an observation, one test result, a prescribed drug, an allergy reaction, a diagnosis, a differential diagnosis, a differential white cell count, blood pressure measurement.


  • CLUSTER: The means of organising nested multi-part data structures such as time series, list or tables. Examples of CLUSTER are Audiogram results, electro-encephalogram interpretation, weighted differential diagnoses.


  • ELEMENT: The leaf node of the health and adult social care record hierarchy, containing a single data value. Each ELEMENT contains data of a particular Data Type. Examples of ELEMENT are Systolic blood pressure, heart rate, drug name, symptom, body weight.


For more information on that standards please see http://www.en13606.org/information.html





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