Care actor

Care actor

Organisation, team or person participating in health and adult social care.


A Person, Organisation or Care Team can be a Care Actor. Each Care Actor will have a Role in a particular context. For example the same Person may have one or more roles in various different contexts:

Service Providers are all Organisations that provide a type of service and include:

Service Providers are Organisations that support the Subject of care and employ Care workers who provide care for the Subject of care, sometimes as part of a Care Team.

Unpaid carers provide care for the Subject of care and can be part of the Care Team.

Personal contacts and their relationship with the Subject of care is captured as part the record.

If the Subject of care does not have capacity, a Proxy for subject of care may be appointed to take decisions on their behalf and the relationship between them and the Subject of care, alongside Legal information is recorded.

Care Actors can also be a Commissioner of services i.e the source of care funding. This may be determined by the Local Authority that the Subject of care and/or Unpaid carer is ordinarily resident in.




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