DoiName (V2)

DoiName (V2)

Completion Guidance

Section: Summary (1)
Completion: Mandatory
Minimum number of entries allowed: 1
Maximum number of entries allowed: 1

  • All datasets should either have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or be working towards obtaining one.

  • If a DOI is available and has been minted through another system/organisation, please provide the DOI.

  • If there is not a DOI the Metadata Exchange can mint a DOI for your dataset.

  • Please note: This is not the DOI of the publication(s) associated with the dataset.


  • 10.1093/ije/dyx196


What happens if I do not have a DOI?

  • Contact your organisation to find out if there is an existing relationship with a DOI provider. The Metadata Exchange can also mint a DOI for your dataset.

How do I mint a DOI?

  • Open a DRAFT version of your dataset.

  • Navigate to the Summary section.

  • Please ensure your dataset is public. To change the status, please see here: How do I change the privacy status of my dataset?

  • Click on the “Mint DOI” button next to the DOI field.

  • A DOI for your dataset will be generated shortly.

If you need further clarification, feel free to raise a support desk ticket.