2022-R8-Hotfix Release Notes

2022-R8-Hotfix Release Notes

This is a hotfix release designed to rectify some previous minor bugs in styling and content, this has been done as we have had to delay the R9-2022 release.

Key points:

  1. Version History (n.b. this still occurs in the summary - but this will be corrected in the R9 release)

  2. Style - Data Dictionary/Terminology detail are show in accordion.

  3. Accessibility links for ONS are now pointing at MDW webpage.

  4. Addition of structural metadata filter into Browser (this will be completed in the next full release with the addition of the filter on the Onboarder).


Current AHA plan:


Key features to complete:

  1. Structural Metadata filter on Onboarder

  2. New Publishing process on Catalogue/Onboarder

  3. Line count.


These will be included in the full R9 release, which subject to testing will be deployed 31st October.