NHS Standards Directory - Dataset Lifecycle
The following article gives a simplified overview of the dataset lifecycle from creation to publication.
1. There are two methods for onboarding metadata:
Manually entering metadata via the onboarding wizard form
Bulk importing metadata using the excel template
Manually entering metadata via the onboarding wizard form
2. To begin manually entering metadata, click on the red Onboard New Metadata + button, located in the top right hand corner.
3. The Onboarding Wizard will guide you through the process of filling out the metadata fields for each of the sections (Summary, Documentation, Publisher and Document Control.)
Please note: Mandatory fields in the Summary section are marked with an asterisk. These must be filled out before moving onto the next metadata section or saving the dataset.
4. Once you have completed the mandatory fields in the Summary section you can either:
Click on Save Changes to save your progress and come back to the dataset at a later date.
OR Click the Continue button which will both Save progress and take you to the next section.
5. Click on Progress Overview to view a summary of the progress you have made. The Progress Overview page gives you a full rundown of your dataset; you can edit any elements as you see fit by clicking on the link to the relevant one:
Bulk importing metadata using the excel template
6. If you have a large number of datasets, you may wish to use the bulk import function. To begin, click on the Import button on the top right of the Onboarding Portal.
7. Here you can download the template excel file used for bulk importing of metadata.
8. The file contains the exact same fields that can be found in the Onboarding Wizard as individual columns. Each row corresponds to a single dataset. An example dataset has been included to illustrate the format of each field.
Note: This example dataset should be deleted before upload.
9. Simply fill in the metadata for each dataset, making sure that any mandatory fields are filled.
10. When complete, return to the Import page and complete the following steps.
Select an Organisation from the dropdown menu (NHSE).
Click on Choose File and select your completed bulk import spreadsheet.
Finally, click on Import Excel File.
11. After a short period of time, you will be directed to the results of the import process. If there were any errors in the spreadsheet which prevented these will be noted here. Otherwise, a list of the successfully imported datasets will be displayed with a link to the newly created dataset.
12. Click on a link to be taken to the Progress Overview of the dataset.
13. As shown in the workflow diagram, whether onboarding manually or via bulk import, onboarded metadata starts life as a draft dataset: an editable form which can only be viewed within the onboarder.
Submit for Review
14. Once you are happy with your dataset and feel it is ready to be released to the public Browser, click on Submit For Review on the Progress Overview page of your dataset.
15. This will prepopulate a request in the MetadataWorks' Internal Service Desk which a reviewer will be assigned review your dataset for publication.
16. Click on Send to confirm. You will receive an email confirmation of your request.
17. Your reviewer will receive an email notification asking them the review the dataset. They will notify you via email if there are any identified issues that require resolving before publication.
18. If no issues are identified, your dataset will be uploaded to the BROWSER and you will receive an email notification with a link to your live dataset. This means that your dataset will now be publicly listed so users will be able to discover it.
Reviewing and Publishing datasets
19. As a reviewer, you will have access to the NHS Standards Directory Service Desk where you will be able to view a list of all dataset review requests. You will also be notified by email when new requests come in.
20. In the Review required queue you will be able to see a summary of any open dataset review requests (a ticket):
Key: this is the internal ID automatically assigned to each new ticket
Summary: the title of the requests i.e. which dataset needs to be reviewed
Reporter: the email or username of the user who requested the dataset review
Assignee: the review assigned to the dataset review request
Status: the status of the dataset review request
Created: the date the request was made
21. To view the ticket in detail, click on the either the Key or Summary for the request. You will be directed to the following page:
22. Here you can find a link to the dataset to be reviewed. When you begin the review process, change the status from To Do to In Review.
23. While reviewing the dataset you may come across an error or issue that must be fixed before publication. To notify the user of the error, return to the ticket and click on Reply to customer. Enter the details of issue encountered and then click Save. The user who submitted the request will receive an email with your message. You can now change the status to Rejected. The user can then resubmit the dataset for review when the error has been corrected.
24. If the dataset is ready for publication, you can go ahead and finalize the dataset for publication. On the Progress Overview of the dataset, click on Finalize.
25. The following pop-up will appear:
26. Click on Public and then Finalize. The dataset will now be publicly available.
27. Returning to the service desk, you can now change the status of the ticket to Accepted and notify the user in the same manner as previously described.
Creating a New Version
28. Now that the dataset has been published, you will notice that its publication status on the Progress Overview page will also change to LIVE. This LIVE version is finalized and cannot be edited. However,
29. To create a new draft version of the dataset, which you will be able to edit and republish, click on Create New Version.