

Completion Guidance

Section: Summary (1)
Completion: Mandatory
Minimum number of entries allowed: 1
Maximum number of entries allowed: 1
Syntax restrictions: 255 characters, including spaces.

  • Provide a clear and brief descriptive signpost for users who are searching for metadata that may be relevant to their project.

  • The abstract should allow the reader to determine the scope of the data standard and accurately summarise its content.

  • The optimal length is one paragraph (limited to 255 characters) and effective abstracts should avoid long sentences and abbreviations where possible.

  • Abstracts must be different from the full description for a resource.

  • Note: Users will view Titles and Abstracts when searching for metadata and choosing whether to explore their content further.


The table below shows the element mappings between the Exchange data model, the Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) Information Standard Notice (ISN) and the Interoperability Standards Team Guide.

Exchange Element

DAPB ISN element

Interoperability Standards Team Guide

Exchange Element

DAPB ISN element

Interoperability Standards Team Guide



Sourced from guide homepage

The Description element in the DAPB ISN often contains more characters than the 255 allowed by the Abstract, so will need to be précised before input to Abstract. More detail from the ISN Description can be entered into the Documentation.description element.


ISN element

The Diabetes Record Information Standard defines the information needed to support a person’s diabetes management and care. This incorporates data recorded by health and care professionals, or the person themselves, for sharing between care providers.

IOPS guide

This Implementation Guide and the HL7® FHIR® artefacts that it references define a specification to enable the exchange of pathology laboratory test request and test result data.


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