Data Controller

Data Controller

Completion Guidance

Section: Access (5.2)
Completion: Mandatory
Minimum number of entries allowed: 1
Maximum number of entries allowed: 1
Syntax restrictions: limited to 5000 characters max, including spaces.

  • Data Controller means a person/entity who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons/entities) determines the purposes for which and the way any Data Subject data, specifically personal data or are to be processed.

  • Notes: For most organisations this will be the same as the publisher of the dataset. If this is not the case, please indicate that there is a different controller.

  • If there is a different controller please complete the Data Processor attribute to indicate that the publisher is a Processor rather than the data controller.

  • In some cases, there may be multiple data controllers i.e. GP data. If this is the case please indicate the fact in a free-text field and describe the data sharing arrangement or a link to it, so that this can be understood by research users.




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