Distribution Release Date (V2)

Distribution Release Date (V2)

Completion Guidance

Section: Temporal (4.2)
Completion: Required (if applicable)
Minimum number of entries allowed: 0
Maximum number of entries allowed: 1
Syntax restriction: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

  • Please indicate the frequency of publishing.

  • If a dataset is published regularly please choose a publishing periodicity from the constrained list and indicate the next release date.

  • When the release date becomes historical, a new release date will be calculated based on the publishing periodicity.

  • If a dataset has been published and will remain static please indicate that it is static and indicate when it was released.

  • If a dataset is released on an irregular basis or “on-demand” please indicate that it is Irregular and leave release date as null.

  • If a dataset can be published in real-time or near-real-time please indicate that it is continuous and leave release date as null.

  • Notes: see https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/collection-description/frequency/


  • 2012-10-05:00:00:00


No questions received to date.

If you need further clarification, feel free to raise a support desk ticket.