Our approach

Our approach

DiSC are proposing to develop standards in a consultative and open manner with a focus on publishing early and iterating specifications. Our methodology will integrate a top-down approach, with “bottom-up” activities to inform, develop and test concepts.

Social Care Data Standards Project.jpg


Top Down:

  • the team are endorsing an International Standard for Health and Social Care (ISO13606) as an overarching framework for the development of the new standard

  • conceptual framework will be mapped to and based on concepts from ContSys

  • development of a conceptual model that described the key entities and relationships

  • development of a minimal operational dataset for adult social care

  • development of a MODS data glossary and terminology for adult social care data

  • data dictionary of preferred definitions for adult social care data

  • development of reference sets and coding standards

This approach allows us to create concepts with the subject matter expert within a consistent standards based framework.


Bottom Up:

  • landscape assessment of the standards currently in use within the adult social care data community (see related standards section)

    • data standards

    • national data collections

    • terminologies / glossaries / synonyms

    • forms / questions

  • identification of common concepts, similarities and differences across existing data landscape

  • publication of standards of use through the data catalogue

This approach allows us map the data concepts created against real-world processes and data.



We will follow an iterative cycle where concepts are created using a top-down approach and then mapped to existing data discovered through the bottom-up exercises. These can then be modified, iterated and reviewed.

Publication will be based GDS Guidelines on phases of an agile project: https://www.gov.uk/service-manual/agile-delivery



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