How do I find data?

How do I find data?

The Adult Social Care (ASC) Terminology Data Catalogue is a public facing data browser that provides technical users with access to Adult Social Care Terminology resources and the ability to feedback on standards development through a managed service desk.


  • Search for datasets, data standards and terminologies.

  • Filter search results.

  • Browse dataset metadata.

  • Enquire about a dataset.


  1. To begin, open the Adult Social Care (ASC) Terminology Data Catalogue.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 15.33.23.png


2. Use the filters on the left sidebar to narrow your search results.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 15.34.23.png



Publisher Name

Dataset Properties

  • Use this filter to select datasets which contain structural metadata / a data dictionary.

As well as the quick filter bar to select the type of results you would like to browse.


4. Once you have found a suitable dataset, click on the title to learn more about it.


5. The summary section displays the most useful information about the dataset at the top of the page:

  1. Title

  2. Data Model Type

  3. Version, Publication Date and Last Updated

  4. Abstract

  5. Keywords

  6. Publisher Information


6. Click through the tabs on the sidebar to explore the data further:

Descriptive Metadata

The descriptive metadata tab contains all the metadata collected about a dataset / data standard / terminology based on the DSC 2.2.0 schema.

Use the section headings to jump to each metadata section.



  • Summary: the first section includes a short abstract and contact details for the publisher.

  • Documentation includes a rich text description of the dataset or links to media such as documents, images, presentations, videos or links to data dictionaries, profiles or dashboards.

  • Document Control: information concerning the authoring, review and approval of the data model.

  • Origin: if applicable, the origin of federated data will be displayed in this section.

Version History

This section contains the change log of the dataset.


Any files associated with the dataset can be accessed and downloaded here.

Data Dictionary

If the metadata record is for a dataset or data standard, this section will describe the structure of the data.

Click on a Data Class to start exploring the data dictionary.

Please see the following pages for further information:What is Structural Metadata? and How do I view a data dictionary?


12. To find out more about a dataset/standard/terminology, please click on the Contact button to get in touch with the publisher.

Next Steps:

How can I learn more about a dataset?

What is Structural Metadata?


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