Data Elements

Data Elements

A Data Element is the definition of a column in a database table, field in a form or an element in an XML schema.

Data Elements can be found contained within Data Classes within the catalogue i.e. the data elements that are contained within the cancer specific grading class are shown below with contextual multiplicity (min and max occurs). In this example they include Figo Grade, DCIS Grade etc.

Data Elements can also be found within the navigation panel here:

1) A list of the active (not deprecated) data elements within this model can be found by clicking the data elements section within the navigation panel
2) Data Elements are grouped by tags. All (including imports) is the default classification and includes all the data elements that can be found within this model, including those that have been imported by other models.
3) A list of data elements is displayed in the display panel.

If you click on a data element within the display panel you get the data element information:

1) Name, ID, Version Number, Description
2) Data Type that constrains the values of the Data Element i.e. an enumeratedType called personPhenotypicSexClassification taken from the NHS Data Dictionary Subset Model is the data type for Person Phenotypic Sex Classification. So data submitted for this data element must be one of the gender codes 1,2,9. For more information on data types please see Data Types.
3) Metadata logged against the data element i.e. owner, quality or a query to retrieve the data such as...
4) Metadata that describes the archetype path query statement for the data element within another system
5) Data Classes that use this data element definition
6) History of all the changes to the data element
7) Other data elements that this is related to. in the example below you can see that this dat element is related to a data elements within another data model - in this case called UCLH not recorded - and the element within the other data model has some metadata such as immediate solution - which is a Demographic form etc.

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