User guide - Search syntax (Browser)

User guide - Search syntax (Browser)

Since the latest browser version was introduced, a new query syntax have been implemented. This syntax utilizes Elasticsearch queries in the background.

To reproduce the example from the screenshot, please use the 'Search' button in the advanced search menu instead of pressing 'ENTER'

1. Using simple search term

Using the simple search term provided, a search was performed using the specified keywords. The search returned 34 results, with the first result being an exact match for the search term

Search term → Census 2011


2. Search by phrase

To perform an exact search for a specific phrase, enclose the term in quotation marks. By using quotation marks, the search will only return results that exactly match the provided phrase. Based on the screenshot, it appears that there is only one result that matches this specific phrase

Search term → "Census 2011"


3. Search in specific field

You have the ability to perform a search in a specific field. In the screenshot, you can observe an example of a search performed by element name.

Search term → element.name:"How I communicate and how to communicate with me"


Search for models without structural metadata displayed in next screanshots

Search term → NOT structuralMetadata:*


Data Class

Data Element

Datasets/Terminology/Data Standards

class.name class.description

element.name element.description

summary.abstract summary.keywords summary.publisher.name summary.title summary.publicationDate
summary.publisher.description summary.publisher.identifier

When you want to search for a class name, please use the format 'class.name'. For searching models (datasets, terminology, data standards), utilize 'summary.title'.

4. Using wildcard

"If you are unsure about the full phrase, you can utilize wildcard search. In the screenshot, you can observe an example of a search phrase using the wildcard symbol to search for phrases that start from a phrase

Search term → "Census 2011 Individual*"


Search term → co??t??


Search term → summary.publisher.contactPoint: %@ons.gov.uk


4. Boolean Operators

You can utilize Boolean logic in your search queries. In the first screenshot, we demonstrate a search for two phrases. In the second screenshot, we showcase a search for two phrases while excluding results from a specific dataset.

Search term → element.name:"How I communicate and how to communicate with *" OR element.name:"Supported to write this by"


Search term → element.name:"How I communicate and how to communicate with *" OR element.name:"Supported to write this by" NOT title:"Personalised Care and Support Plan v2.0"


Boolean logic is a system of logic that deals with the combination of variables, typically represented as true or false, to derive logical conclusions. It is named after mathematician and logician George Boole. In the context of search applications, Boolean logic allows users to create complex queries by using operators such as AND, OR, and NOT.

Here's a brief explanation of the three main Boolean operators:

  1. AND: When you use the AND operator between two keywords or phrases, the search engine will retrieve results that contain both of the specified terms. This narrows down the search to find items that satisfy both conditions.

  1. OR: The OR operator broadens the search by retrieving results that include either of the specified keywords or phrases. It expands the scope of the search, providing more options and potential matches.

  1. NOT: The NOT operator excludes specific terms from the search results. When you use NOT before a keyword or phrase, the search engine will eliminate any results containing that particular term.

By combining these operators and keywords, users can create complex and precise search queries to refine their search results and find the information they are looking for more effectively.

5. Using fuzzy search

When you are unsure about the pronunciation or spelling of a word, it is useful to utilize fuzzy search. Fuzzy search helps in accommodating variations and potential errors in word spelling or pronunciation.

Search term → wq144~


Fuzzy search is a search technique used to retrieve results that are relevant to a user's query even if the query terms do not match exactly. It is particularly useful when dealing with typographical errors, misspellings, or variations in word forms.

6. Proximity search

Searches for terms within a specified distance of each other. For example, "2011 Benefits"~3 matches "term1" and "term2" within 3 words of each other.

Search term → "2011 Benefits"~3


7. Range search

Searches for values within a specified range.

Search term → coverage.temporal.startDate:[2005-03-27 TO 2011-03-27]


For more detailed information, please refer to the Elasticsearch documentation:

·       Elastic — The Search AI Company

·       Query string query | Elasticsearch Guide [8.17] | Elastic

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