To view an interactive version of this tutorial, click here.


1. Once you have logged into the Metadata Exchange, the first page you will be presented with is the ONBOARDING PORTAL, which is shown below.


2. The ONBOARDING PORTAL displays a list of all your datasets, as well as their publication and completion statuses. To begin with your organisation may not have any datasets uploaded.


3. If that is the case, your first task will be to onboard your first dataset. To begin, click on the red Onboard New Metadata + button, located in the top right hand corner.

4. Onboarding Wizard will guide you through the process of filling out the metadata fields for each of the 8 metadata sections (Summary, Documentation, Coverage, Provenance, Accessibility, Enrichment & Linkage, Observations and Structural Metadata).

5. To view completion guidance for each metadata field, click on the (question) icon to the right of each field.

Note: There are five mandatory fields in the Summary section, marked with an asterisk. These must be filled out before moving onto the next metadata section or saving the dataset.


6. Once you have completed these five mandatory fields in the Summary section you can navigate through the metadata sections by clicking Continue at the bottom of the page or by selecting the metadata section from the top bar.

Or click on Save Changes to save your progress and come back to the dataset at a later date.


7. For detailed instructions and complete guidance for descriptive (Section 1-7) and technical (Section 8) metadata, please see here.


8. When you have completed your session, click on Progress Overview to view a summary of the progress you have made.


9. The Progress Overview page gives you a full rundown of your dataset: