Project Roles:
Sponsor: Peter SkinnerClaudia Andresco
SRO: Emma HarrisPeter Skinner
Workstream LeadsLead: Alison Taylor/William Hemingway
Governance Outline:
The Adult Social Care Terminology (ASCT) workstream is a project sitting within the Digitising Social Care (DiSC) Programme. The overarching governance group for this programme is the DiSC Programme Board, which oversees the strategic direction of the programme and ensures the programme delivers against its objectives within budget and to the agreed time parameters. The board and programme feed into the wider ASC Reform portfolio.
The project itself is delivered through weekly sprint meetings and the ongoing direction is managed by the monthly ASCT Steering Project Board. Progress against the contracted project objectives is shared with the Steering Project board alongside key updates relating to risks and issues in need of escalation. Moreover, any decisions pertaining to substantive changes to the project are taken to the Steering Project Board and escalated to the Sponsor and/or Senior Leadership Team (SLT) where appropriate. Operational decisions requiring formal sign-off are made by the SRO at weekly reviews. In the event of a substantive decision requiring uniquely technical expertise, we have a five formal reviewers from across the sector to support the Sponsor.
The outputs of the workstream also feed into the Social Care Standards Data Advisory Group (SCSDAG). A group consisting of social care and standards Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from across the sector. Members provide insight and feedback on the items presented at the meetings and are brought in to more targeted, temporary Feedback Focus Groups (FFGs) between SCSDAGs where required. The workstream is also closely aligned with groups associated with the Assured Supplier Solutions List (ASL) for Digital Social Care Records (DSCRs) and Market Governance, ensuring outputs and progress are appropriately communicated and included the ongoing assurance developments. Similarly, the central Standards & Interoperability, as well as the NHS Data Dictionary team, are also kept informed on progress and provide input, being members of both our working groups and Project Steering Board and SCSDAG.