Assessmentsare performed for the Subject of careand can be expressed by a Proxy for subject of care if the Subject of care does not have Mental Capacity.
Care Actors Actors perform, complete and authoriseAssessments of the:
Care Needs Assessments evaluate the Needs,Strengths, Wishes, Preferences of the Subject of care. Needs include information about the significanceand urgency of the care need and can include a reference to a list of healthcare problems. Strengths, Wishes, Preferences are evaluated and recorded as a narrative description.
Risk Assessments identify Risks and Safeguarding concerns, as well as recording thereason for the risk assessment, any Care Actors that the Risk involves and whether theSubject of carehas an understanding of the risks. Risks can include information about trigger factors, relapse indicators and information about the Care Actors who should be informed.
Mental Capacity Assessments, includes a narrative of whether an assessment of the mental capacity of the Subject of care has been undertaken. The narrative statement includes what capacity the decision relates to, the outcome of the assessment and the best interest decisions if person lacks capacity. Mental Capacity Assessmentrecords should include a reference to the location of the Document where the mental capacity assessment is recorded.