Assessment definitions:
The process of working out what your needs are. A community care assessment looks at how you are managing everyday activities such as looking after yourself, household tasks and getting out and about. You are entitled to an assessment if you have social care needs, and your views are central to this process.
Care Act 2014
9 Assessment of an adult’s needs for care and support
(1) Where it appears to a local authority that an adult may have needs for care and support, the authority must assess—
(a) whether the adult does have needs for care and support, and
(b) if the adult does, what those needs are.
(2) An assessment under subsection (1) is referred to in this Part as a “needs assessment”.
(3) The duty to carry out a needs assessment applies regardless of the authority’s view of—
(a) the level of the adult’s needs for care and support, or
(b) the level of the adult’s financial resources.
(4) A needs assessment must include an assessment of—
(a) the impact of the adult’s needs for care and support on the matters specified in section 1(2),
(b) the outcomes that the adult wishes to achieve in day-to-day life, and
(c) whether, and if so to what extent, the provision of care and support could contribute to the achievement of those outcomes.
S.10 makes similar provision for carers' assessments. S.11/S.12 provide further detail.
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Care and Support Statutory Guidance
6.3 An ‘assessment’ must always be appropriate and proportionate. It may come in different formats and can be carried out in various ways, including but not limited to:
a face-to-face assessment between the person and an assessor, whose professional role and qualifications may vary depending on the circumstances, but who must always be appropriately trained and have the right skills and knowledge
a supported self-assessment, which should use similar assessment materials as used in other forms of needs or carers’ assessments, but where the person completes the assessment themselves and the local authority assures itself that it is an accurate reflection of the person’s needs (for example, by consulting with other relevant professionals and people who know the person with their consent)
an online or phone assessment, which can be a proportionate way of carrying out assessments (for example where the person’s needs are less complex or where the person is already known to the local authority and it is carrying out an assessment following a change in their needs or circumstances)
a joint assessment, where relevant agencies work together to avoid the person undergoing multiple assessments (including assessments in a prison, where local authorities may need to put particular emphasis on cross-agency cooperation and sharing of expertise)
a combined assessment, where an adult’s assessment is combined with a carer’s assessment and/or an assessment relating to a child so that interrelated needs are properly captured and the process is as efficient as possible.
6.5 The aim of the assessment is to identify what needs the person may have and what outcomes they are looking to achieve to maintain or improve their wellbeing. The outcome of the assessment is to provide a full picture of the individual’s needs so that a local authority can provide an appropriate response at the right time to meet the level of the person’s needs. This might range from offering guidance and information to arranging for services to meet those needs. The assessment may be the only contact the local authority has with the individual at that point in time, so it is critical that the most is made of this opportunity.
Related terms:
Care act assessment
Care and support needs assessment
Supported self-assessmentevaluating a person’s needs, wishes, strengths and preferences, as well as identifying any relevant risks associated with them.
Assessmentsare performed for the Subject of careand can be expressed by a Proxy for subject of care if the Subject of care does not have Mental Capacity.
Care Actors perform, complete and authoriseAssessments of the:
of the Subject of care.
Needs, Risks, Safeguarding concerns,Strengths, Wishes and Preferences are recorded as Observationsin referenceto the Subject of careduring an Assessment. Observations are recorded before, during (and after) Assessments. Observations about the Subject of care made before the Assessment should be available during the Assessment as they can influence both assessment and care planning processes.
The Adult Social Care Record (MODS) defines three typical types of assessments:
Care Needs Assessments evaluate the Needs,Strengths, Wishes, Preferences of the Subject of care. Needs include information about the significanceand urgency of the care need and can include a reference to a list of healthcare problems. Strengths, Wishes, Preferences are evaluated and recorded as a narrative description.
Risk Assessments identify Risks and Safeguarding concerns, as well as recording thereason for the risk assessment, any Care Actors that the Risk involves and whether theSubject of carehas an understanding of the risks. Risks can include information about trigger factors, relapse indicators and information about the Care Actors who should be informed.
Mental Capacity Assessments, includes a narrative of whether an assessment of the mental capacity of the Subject of care has been undertaken. The narrative statement includes what capacity the decision relates to, the outcome of the assessment and the best interest decisions if person lacks capacity. Mental Capacity Assessmentrecords should include a reference to the location of the Document where the mental capacity assessment is recorded.
Assessmentrecords should include details about the scheduled Reviews.
Note: Financial Assessments are currently out-of-scope for the current iteration of the Adult Social Care Record.