Please complete only if the resource is part of a group or family of resource i.e. Hospital Episode Statistics has several constituents.
Note: Schema will support url, 80 characters or "NOT APPLICABLEā.
This element is composed of
a Header (0..1) - Text that will appear above the named link(s). It has an an AbstractText datatype, which takes characters between 5 and 255 in length.
a Name (1..1) for the group or family
a Named link (0..*) with an AbstractText datatype, which takes characters between 5 and 255 in length. This allows the editor to input a link with associated descriptive text for the link.
an Explanation (0..*) with a String datatype, which is an expanded explanation about the link
Info |
Note that where there is no direct mapping to the DAPB ISN, the editor will need to glean this information from reading through all documentation for the standard. |
Exchange Element | DAPB ISN element | IOPS guide |
Is Part of | No direct mapping. | To be decided |
No data present.GP Data Collections
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