If you have a large number of datasets ready to be onboarded, we recommend using the bulk import function to quickly onboard descriptive metadata.
1. Once you have logged into the tool, the first page you will be presented with is the ONBOARDING PORTAL, which is shown below.
For further instructions on how to complete each field please review the completion guidance for your schema: Metadata Completion Guidance.
6. When you are happy with your import spreadsheet, please return to the Import page. Select the organisation (i.e. your usergroup) your datasets should be uploaded under, choose the file you would like to import and click on
You can further review and edit successfully imported datasets by clicking on each title in the results screen or by searching through the onboarding portal as usual. Please note that each dataset must be finalised or submitted for review manually.
Bulk Update
9. The bulk import can also be used to update existing draft datasets. To begin, export your datasets using the Export function (seeHow do I export my data?). You will received a file that looks very similar to the one you imported. However, you will note that that the persistent identifier field is filled in, which is the difference between updating an existing dataset and a creating a new set of dataset.