Information about Instruction, activity and action records detail how care should be provided, including , and how care has been, provided. Instructions determine a set of planned / scheduled activities, as well as a record of the actions that have been completed and the outcomes of those actionsactivities that target goals from the care plan. Actions log that a planned (or unplanned) activity has been completed and any outcomes or observations associated with the action.
Instructions about how care should be provided, include are typically determined during care planning and determine a set of planned / scheduled Activities, as well as a record of the Actions that have been completed and the Observations e.g Outcomes of the Actions.Planned and/or scheduled Activities include Vaccinations, provision of Medication, Healthcare Procedures, Transfers of Care, Communication activities, Tasks, Referrals or Services performed for the Subject of Care and may be that target Goals for the Subject of care from the Care plan.
Activities are performed for the Subject of care and are typically (not always) scheduled or planned in advance during care planning.Activities include:
provision of Medications
Healthcare Procedures
Communication activities
provision of Devices
or Services
Activities will usually be (not always) performed in a given Location.
Actions are the records that “logs” that an “log” that a planned Activity has been performed including when , where and any Observations recorded during the Visitand where it was performed, as well as Observations whilst the Activity was taking place. Planned Activities will often be associated with a set of Actionsthat have been performed.
Note: The model is based on the